Today’s professional is so tuned into productivity that they forget the fact that health and productivity go hand in hand. How can you accomplish anything at all if you are constantly battling headaches, fatigue, and illnesses your body is simply too tired to ward off? What you need is a change in lifestyle to improve your health. These three ways should get you started on the path to better health.
1. Focus on Rest
Did you know that the average person doesn’t get the required amount of sleep daily? The human body may not require at least eight hours of sleep each night but even six hours of unbroken sleep is difficult to manage if you are constantly worried about tasks left undone. Enjoy a holiday away, if only for a week, at serene and amazingly lovely places like the Cotswolds. Here you can pamper yourself in luxurious hotels like Tewkesbury Park while re-learning what real sleep is all about in their iconic 18th-century manor house.
2. Forget the Takeaway – Home Cooked Meals Are Healthier
Of course, you are too busy to cook at home every night, but that shouldn’t stop you from eating home prepared meals each day. Some families cook casseroles on a weekend so that they can heat them quickly after work during the week. Others have cold plates or salads a couple evenings a week whilst others place a nice roast in the slow cooker before leaving for the office in the morning. There is no reason to spend extra money on takeaway fast foods that really aren’t good for you anyway. Save money and improve your health by adding home-cooked fresh foods along with plenty of antioxidant-rich greens and fruits.
3. Step up Your Activity
Few people get the required amount of physical activity they need for optimal health and fewer yet get enough aerobic exercise for cardiovascular health. It isn’t hard to push away from the table and go for a nightly walk at a brisk pace. Step it up a bit. However, at least three times a week you need to step up your pace enough to increase aerobic activity to strengthen that most important muscle of all, your heart. You would be amazed at just how much a bit of activity can do for your body, and even if you come home tired from a hard day of work, that daily walk is vital to your health.
Don’t Stop There!
There are so many things you can do to improve your health so take the time to think about what it will mean to be performing at your best. Even stress will be reduced when you start taking better care of the machinery – your body. Nothing functions without a periodic overhaul and that’s what you will be getting when you learn to rest and eat a healthier diet. Finally, learn to leave work at the office so that you can enjoy your home and family.
As they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and potentially a very ill one as well. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.
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