If you suffer from bacterial infections such as colds and flu often, suffer from spots or cold sores, you may want to give your body a helping hand by feeding it with some anti-bacterial foods. Bad bacteria can damage your health and it can be hard to recover, eating some anti-microbial foods can ensure your body gets the extra kick it needs to kill that bacteria before it gets worse.
For all those garlic lovers out there, you are in luck. This is one of the best ways to kill bad bacteria. If you are prone to yeast infections such as thrush, this may one way you can help fight this from coming back. Eating this in food is good but having raw garlic in your stomach on its own is the best way to fight and kill that bacteria. Garlic contains a natural compound called allicin, which kills bacteria, hence why it is best to eat raw garlic. You can also rub garlic on cold sores to help get rid of them faster. Check out Health Row for more ways to get rid of that nasty lip blister.
This is a great way to fight throat infections that are caused by bacteria. If you suffer from infections such as bacterial tonsillitis, getting ginger in your diet is a great way to help stop this before it becomes worse. Viral throat infections will go away naturally, but bacterial tend to need antibiotics. Ginger can help with the healing process. If you can stomach it, sucking on a raw piece of ginger has been known to help stop coughing, as well as killing the bacteria in the throat.
This is one thing that most people have in their cupboards and as well as tasting great, honey is full of anti-microbial properties. Inside honey is live enzymes that release hydrogen peroxide, a great way to kill any unwanted bacteria in the body. The best way to help keep your body healthy is to begin each day with a mug of hot water and honey or add a teaspoon to your tea. Why not make a ginger and honey natural remedy tea, to get a few of these great foods acting against that infection?
Coconut Oil
This oil is great for many home remedies including dry skin and fighting bacteria. Coconut oil can be used as a way to fight skin infections and can be applied directly to the affected area. It has been known to inactive several types of bacteria, yeast, and viruses. You can buy coconut oil very cheaply in any local supermarket and is also great as an alternative to cooking oils, meaning you can use the leftovers rather than buying a remedy you could not use again.
If you want to give your body the best chance against cold and flu season, eating healthy is step one but make sure you include these naturally occurring anti-bacterial foods in order to give your body a helping hand in killing the bacteria that cause many infections.
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