During lockdown, the hydroponics industry experienced an increase in traffic. This is by no means surprising. When a population is informed that there will be food shortages, the survivalist within us yearns to become nutritionally self-sufficient. To break free of the reliance on corporate supply chain. To be able to feed ourselves without having to invest in a company of some kind. Once you’ve nailed your system and process, you’ll be feeding the family from your own hands for far less!
Growing your own flowers and houseplants seems to be a very trendy thing currently. Social medias becoming awash with luscious vegetative growth far transcendent to any houseplant you see for sale in supermarkets or garden centres.
An employee from Progrow Hydroponics speculates this is for two more reasons above simply learning to supply food for yourself.
‘One reason is that when you are growing your own plants, you form a relationship with them like that of a traditional pet. After all, the plants are feeding you with nice clean oxygen! People say the essence of relationships is reciprocity, so this human – plant symbiotic relationship is just as relevant as a human – pet relationship’.
The second reason is the complete and total control you have over the whole process, combined with the fruits of your labour quite literally speaking for themselves. There is a plethora of technology, plant training methods and different produce to get stuck into. Upon this deeper inspection, Hydroponics presents as a multifaceted and wholly rewarding hobby furthermore enticing by the warmth and support of the Hydroponics community!
You get out what you put in. An adage to live by in terms of growing your own plants. People are proud of what they’ve created, so its no surprise they want to post it all online.
Even the restaurant & catering industries have noticed the increased quality of hydroponically grown veg. Better taste profile, better yield, better visual appeal. Seems like a no-brainer to get involved with Hydroponics!
Hydroponically grown vegetables also seem to be slowly taking over traditional farming in terms of the savings in water use primarily. Companies have caught on to the fact that you can grow the same saleable yield, whilst massively reducing your overheads. This is a colossal business revelation, as in these tightening times, we will all be looking for ways to save. Vertical farms are beginning to appear more frequently, and this is nothing but a good thing. As a planet, we will be able to reduce aggressive farming of large areas of agricultural land by building farms upwards, instead of outwards. Many countries on the African continent use hydroponics to be able to feed their populations on minimal water supply. The Japanese food industry is now hugely intertwined with the hydroponic methodology. There is a slowly rising planetary awareness of the power of this amazing technique, and we truly need to harness it if we are to live in progressive harmony with our planetary vessel.
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