It is inevitable to face people who do not believe in you. They will try to pull you down even when you have not done anything to them. Instead of working with you to make the business successful, they will try to show that you are worthless. They will discourage you from doing a great job because they do not want you to get ahead. The worst part is when you have no choice but to work with them for specific projects. You need to meet with them several times. If you are going to present ideas during the meeting and your detractors are there, these tips will help you.
Pretend that they are not in the room
Instead of dwelling on the fact that some people in the room do not like you, it is better to pretend that they are not around. You can convince yourself that the room only has people who want to work with you. If you start thinking about the detractors, you will feel nervous and might lose track of things.
Look at them in the eyes
You want to avoid these people, but you have no choice if the job requires you to face them. The best thing to do is to look them in the eyes while you speak. Even when they shake their heads or make faces, you need to stay professional. You cannot let them prevent you from succeeding, and by looking at them directly, you are sending a message that you are confident in what you are doing.
Be ready
These people will find a way to bring you down and make your ideas look weak. The best thing to do is research and study before the presentation. Even when people start throwing questions at you, you will not tremble. You know what to say, and you can get around the difficult questions they ask you. If you come unprepared, it is easy for them to find loopholes until you forget what to say. You could also invest in a projector ceiling mount so that your presentation will look professional. Check all the items needed for the presentation so that you will not panic because of technical problems.
Do not look at them as detractors
These people might not want you to succeed for whatever reasons, but your job requires you to work with them. Therefore, you need to ensure that you maintain a healthy relationship with them. Avoid thinking of them as detractors. If they make you feel that you do not matter, you can keep showing them kindness. You might also want to settle your differences before the meeting so that everything will be okay once the meeting begins.
Stay positive and focus on why you are presenting in the first place. Do not let anyone stop you from achieving your goals and think about the impact of your work on the company. You need to keep pushing ahead even when things are difficult for you.
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