Home is where the heart is, so where you live should reflect who you are and the things you love the most. There are plenty of ways to style your home and display your personality, so if you’re a quirky soul, here are some playful additions to your apartment that you might appreciate.
Pinball Machine
If you’re nostalgic for retro arcade games, then purchasing a Pinball machine for your apartment is a necessity. Even if you’re not a big gamer, playing Pinball is a fun way to pass the time if you’re bored, and will be a big hit at parties with your friends. It might be a little extravagant, but it’s a surefire way to inject some fun into your home. If you have kids, then these could also be a big hit with them, and you’ll enjoy sharing with them some games you liked to play when you were their age and comparing them to games they play now. There are various arcade games you can also buy for your apartment if you’re not into Pinball, like PacMan, Space Invaders or Defender.
Popcorn Maker
If you’re a movie lover, then you might already have a big screen TV and an awesome sound-system installed in your home, but why stop there? Adding a popcorn maker into the mix will be the cherry on top of the cake for movie nights with friends, your partner, or just yourself! You can buy gorgeous vintage style ones to add some Hollywood flair to your apartment. If the apartment is your family home, then a weekly movie night is an excellent excuse to get you all together to spend some quality time with each other. The kids will get a big kick out of making their own popcorn, too!
Beanbag Chairs
These chairs are so much fun! You can relive your childhood by sinking down into one, and they are incredibly comfortable, which is a fabulous bonus. They’re perfect for getting cozy with your girlfriends while sipping on a glass of wine at the weekend, and although they might not seem it, a quality beanbag chair can provide great support for your back. Companies such as Lovesac offer a range of these chairs, although this Lovesac competitor offers similar choices for a more affordable price. Beanbag chairs make wonderful additions to your home and are a great alternative to traditional seating.
Vinyl Record Player
Record players are pretty commonplace in a lot of homes nowadays, thanks to the vinyl revival of the last few years. That isn’t to say that they aren’t fun additions to your apartment, though. You could purchase various different kinds, including those that are smaller than others for a tighter space, and some that are even portable, so you can take it out for a picnic or barbeque if you wanted to. There are more traditional style players on offer if that’s the look you’re going for in the rest of your apartment, as well as more refined, modern looks. If you have an extensive record collection, they are a must-have item, but you don’t have to be a die-hard vinyl fan to enjoy one.
Fish make great pets, especially if you have a busy lifestyle, as they don’t require too much of your attention. Having a large aquarium tank in your living room can also look incredible, especially when it’s dark and the blue glow from the tank light is cast out over everything. If you buy various species of fish to put in there, it can make things more interesting, so don’t just settle for a few goldfish! Add some tropical fish to the aquarium for more color and intrigue. You can buy smaller aquariums if you don’t have a lot of room in your apartment, though, and they can look just as cool.
String Lights
String lights are such a simple addition to your apartment that can have a huge impact. Mood lighting is everything, whether you’re home alone trying to relax or creating an atmosphere for a party your hosting. Put string lights up all across your ceiling to create a warm, calming glow from above. You can also drape them down your walls for a similar effect. If you have a balcony, you could combine these lights into that outdoor space, too. Your bedroom is another place where you could hang up some soft string lights to improve the overall look of it. White lights tend to look best and meld better with a variety of styles, but you can always get different colored lights to create different looks. These lights certainly create a soft, romantic tone that can be wonderful if you want to introduce a delicate, playful edge to your apartment.
Pool Table
If you have the space to fit a pool table in your apartment, then you should certainly get one. A game of pool is a perfect past-time with your friends, and having a table in your home will be an endless source of entertainment. You could start tournaments at parties or just set up weekly games as a way to get everyone together. If you’re trying to impress a date, having a late-night game is the perfect excuse for some fun and flirtatious behavior, too. Even if you don’t have a lot of room in your home, there are options to buy fold-up tables that you might find easier if you would like to have one.
More extravagant than a vinyl record player, a vintage Duke Box is an entertaining, playful and impressive addition to your apartment. It’s perfect for social gatherings but also ideal if you want to put on some old Motown tracks and kick back by yourself. You can get good quality Duke Boxes online, and they will make great a great conversation starter when your friends come over for dinner, as well as serving as a decorative item in your apartment.
If you are looking to add some fun into your life, purchasing some unique items such as the ones listed above can be a great way to do that. It’s always good to feel like your home is a special place that reflects who you are to others who come to stay.
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