When moving, there is a large checklist of things that you need to think about, and your new house is likely to be the only thing on your mind. However, to sell your house and prepare for moving, there are a number of important things that you need to do for your old house too.
1. Touch up the Decor
If you have not decorated for a few years, it can be easy to allow a few chips to start coming through the paintwork or the curtains to start looking bedraggled. To make your house look bright and inviting, you should consider touching up the décor such as refreshing the paintwork before you start to have viewings. You should also ensure that your rooms are less personal than they would normally be, and you should consider making the décor bright yet plain as this will enable potential buyers to envisage their own possessions and design scheme within your four walls.
2. Deep Clean Carpets
From red wine stains to muddy feet, carpets are one of the easiest things to get dirty in a house full of people. And yet one of the easiest to clean. Keeping your carpets, upholstery, and fabrics clean will make a large difference to the look of your house, and will be necessary before you move anyway. Top 2 Bottom Cleaning offer carpet cleaning Worcester services and use specialized equipment and skilled employees to enable your house to be as sparkling as the day you moved in, making sure that you can create a dazzling first impression.
3. Perform Key Renovations
Performing key renovations before you move is essential as this will encourage potential buyers. If viewers believe that they will have to spend out on a lot of work or think that there are a lot of renovations to be made, they will be less likely to invest in your property unless they fall in love with it, or are looking to do it up themselves. By performing key renovations, you can show off your house to look its best, and encourage more people to love it as you have.
4. De-clutter in Time for Viewings
Although viewers know that your clutter will not be there when they come to move in, de-cluttering your space will help them to visualize their potential lives in your house and give them a better idea of the space available to them. De-cluttering will also enable you to make the house look its best and present it as clean, tidy and a good family home. Additionally, you will have to de-clutter to move out, and so making a start when selling prepares you for when you come to move.
5. Tidy up Your Garden or Porch
Your garden is the first impression that people will have of your house, and so tidying your garden is essential to show off your house in the first few moments. You should try to add floral appeal to your garden, as well as mow the grass and weed the hedges to ensure that your house looks the best way possible.
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