What is Scoliosis and who does it affect?
Scoliosis is a term used to describe a sideways curvature of the spine that commonly occurs during the growth spurt before puberty in individuals. However, in some cases, it can occur before and after puberty, but this is often uncommon.
This spine condition occurs in the spine and affects 3 to 4 out of 1000 children whom will require some sort of treatment from a specialist.
Individuals with scoliosis usually have mild symptoms and their condition can be easily monitored with the help of healthcare technology such as X-Rays and other radiation technology to see if the condition is getting better or worse.
Luckily, no treatment is often required to fix this condition and most individuals can live with this condition without any side effects. However. if the condition is worse than average, they might need to consider treatment options. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatment.
Early Signs of Scoliosis
This condition mainly affects children between 10 to 18 years old and tends to affect girls more than boys. Some kids are usually born with the condition but most of the time, the case is unknown and adults can also get it later in life.
When you have scoliosis, the spine curves more than it should creating a “C” or “S” shape which can cause a lot of pain.
Now that we know what Scoliosis is, let’s look at some early signs of scoliosis that you should be aware of.
- Shoulders are often two different heights
- Head is usually not centered with the rest of the body
- The ribs may be pushed out
- One hip is usually higher than the other
- The two sides of the individual’s back are different heights when he or she bends over
- The waist may appear asymmetric
If this condition is left untreated, it can lead to more severe problems in the future and lead to permanent deformity. In addition, if it left untreated, it can cause permanent disc damage, and in rare cases, even neurological damage. Therefore, early intervention is often the best way to treat this condition and help improve the outcomes associated with scoliosis.
So if you are someone that suffers from scoliosis, what are your options? For many, a scoliosis brace is one of the best ways to treat scoliosis. Other options include surgery, such as bone grafts in which two or more vertebrae are connected with new bone grafts. Metal rods or wires are often used to hold the bone together as it heals.
Surgery can be an expensive and traumatic experience for many, which is why it is important to look at these early signs and target the problem so that surgery isn’t the only option. One option you should consider is the scoliosis brace.
Using Scoliosis Braces
What is a scoliosis brace?
According to Healthcare Weekly, a scoliosis brace is a plastic jacket that fits around the torso to provide support to the spine. The scoliosis brace starts beneath the arm and ends up at the hips which keeps the spine in place and helps to straighten the spine.
The scoliosis braces work best when the patient is young, however, it can help older individuals who suffer from scoliosis but not to the same extent. This is because as the patient is still growing, the brace is able to realign the spine before the curve becomes too severe.
Individuals have to be patient when using a scoliosis brace as the results are often not immediate, and to see any sort of progress, it requires time.
One study has shown that the results experienced by 36 females using a scoliosis brace shows that night braces are often effective in the treatment of AIS patients that have curves of less than 35 degrees.
Types of Scoliosis Braces
There are many different types of scoliosis braces available in the market, therefore it is best for you to do your own research to figure out which brace is the best for you and your needs. Below are some types of scoliosis braces that exist…
The Wilmington scoliosis brace
This scoliosis brace closes from the front and can be customly molded to match each person’s body type. This type of brace is perfect for those who cannot find braces that matches their body type as it can be customized.
The Charleston Bending Brace
This scoliosis brace is used for night time. It is shaped to overcorrect the spine curve by bending the spine to one side rather than keeping the person upright. This type of brace is often used by those who need help fixing the C-shaped curve in their lower back.
Milwaukee Brace
This brace was created specifically to treat scoliosis. It fits around the hips and waist area and has vertical bars that attach from the front and back. This brace should be worn for most of the day.
The Bottom Line
Scoliosis can create long-term problems for individuals, therefore it is important to fix the problem upfront which means it should be prevented from a young age as soon as the symptoms appear. Scoliosis can affect your posture due to the abnormal curve in the spine, and can create uneven hips and shoulder blades which are usually higher than the other.
Scoliosis braces are usually one of the best ways to prevent the onset of scoliosis or from causing permanent damage. Many scoliosis braces exist in the market, so it is up to you and/or your doctor to decide which brace is best for you and your needs.
This article is written by Michael Reddy @ Digital Authority Partners
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