Although the commercial formula is generally safe, you might not be aware that it also contains toxic chemicals that might be risky for your baby. It doesn’t gain much traction because several generations of babies took formula, and nothing serious happened.
As a parent, you still need to stick with the option that is safe for your baby. Even if some people believe that formula milk is not harmful, the fact that it contains some toxic chemicals should bother you. Here are some of the usual chemicals found in formula milk that raises the alarm.
This substance is present in almost all commercially available formula milk. It is a naturally occurring chemical. Since it could pose risks, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) requires the presence of iodine in all formulas. The presence of iodine reduces the threat brought by the chemical, but there could still be some issues along the way.
The presence of melamine in food and drink could lead to kidney failure. It is even worse for babies all of whom have a weaker immune system compared with that of adults. The problem is that sometimes, people raising cows feed the animals with food that may contain melamine. Eventually, the substance finds its way through the manufacturing chain to the formula milk. When a meagre amount, melamine does not pose a risk. However, it is always possible for this amount to increase and lead (a worst case scenario) to deaths of infants.
At first, this substance seems to pose no harm. It also brings no nutritional value. Other liquid products also contain carrageenan. It is usually added as a thickening agent. However, carrageenan may also cause intestine inflammation and (worse) colon tumors. These problems may develop over time. If it can cause health issues among adults, it is even worse for babies who are more sensitive.
Bisphenol A
This chemical is not present within the formula milk itself, rather it is present in the container. The US banned anything containing this chemical, but studies revealed that some plastic bottles and containers still contain Bisphenol A. Some of them include formula milk. The same thing is true with plastic containers where you put the milk to feed the baby. These containers also have Bisphenol A. It becomes active when you heat the container. It is essential not to microwave the baby bottles. If you can find glass bottles, use these bottles instead of the plastic containers.
Given the risk that comes with the use of commercial formula milk, try shifting to organic baby formula. It is safe from these harmful chemicals and other substances. The milk came from cows that only received organic food. The cows did not receive hormone injections to induce increased milk production. Soy products may also be the source of organic formula milk.
Give this type of milk a try if your doctor deems it to be safe for your baby. You can never feel confident that there are not a lot of severe cases yet on the use of formula milk. You should instead take actions now than wait when it is too late to do anything.
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