The internet can be a truly amazing place where you can learn all kinds of things. From simple things like how to write a professional email, to whole graduate courses that can help you get a job.
Cleaning tips and tricks are pretty common on the internet as well. However, if you don’t know where these tips are coming from, it may be a bit difficult to believe them. After all, you really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet.
This is why we reached out to cleaning pros at Blue Spruce Maids in Denver, CO, who shared with us some of the most common and enduring home cleaning myths they really want to see debunked.
You Can Use Vinegar to Clean Everything
One of the favorite cleaning tips on the internet is making your own cleaning solutions, and vinegar is one of the most used ingredients in those recipes. And while it is true that vinegar can show excellent results when cleaning things like stainless steel, not all surfaces will be as accommodating.
Vinegar is an acid, meaning it will react with different materials in different ways. It will do wonders to remove lime scale from your showerhead, but it can do serious damage to things like wood or stone. The minerals in stones such as granite or marble are not so different from lime scale and will react in a similar manner.
You Don’t Have to Ventilate Your Home if You Use Air Fresheners
We all want the air in our homes to smell nice, preferably fresh. However, in the serious cold of winter, not many people are willing to open their windows and doors and let the air circulate. Instead, most of us turn to one of two options.
We either rely on our HVAC systems to supply fresh air, or we use air fresheners; or both. Sadly, neither of these options will actually work. Most HVAC systems available in the US don’t exchange air in your home, just heat it or cool it depending on the setting.
When it comes to air fresheners, they may smell fresh, but all they do is mask the odors and perfume the air – they do not clean it. Any product stating otherwise has some serious marketing speak on the label. In the end, there’s nothing to replace cracking a window open every day, at least for a short while to get that fresh air in.
Feather Dusters Are Effective
Think about a person dusting. Chances are that you’re imagining them brandishing a fluffy feather duster on a stick of indeterminate length. And for a very long time, feather dusters have been a staple of house cleaning, for some reason.
Just looking at one and seeing it in action should tell you that it is not a very effective way to clean dust from your surfaces. While it may cover a relatively large area, a feather duster has no way of keeping all that dust contained and it will spread that dust all over the house.
If you’re allergic to dust, it’s more than likely that you’ve sneezed incessantly while cleaning your home for a fairly long time. But there is a better way to clean dust.
All you need is a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a special extender. The low-tech solution, a damp cloth, is incredibly effective in not only collecting dust, but also keeping it contained. If you want to make cleaning easier for yourself, you can also get a vacuum cleaner with a special add-on which handles dust very effectively as well.
House cleaning is not an activity most people are enthusiastic about. Learning that you’ve been doing it wrong and that you’ve wasting time and effort can’t help either. However, now that you know, you can improve and make your cleaning easier.
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