The world’s oceans are under constant assault from climate change, pollution and overfishing, disrupting the delicate ecosystem and endangering the wildlife. Despite the abundance of threats, it is still possible to leave future generations with healthy and vibrant oceans teeming with wildlife. There are several small steps you can take today that will make a positive impact. So next time you go to enjoy a vacation you can enjoy the clear blue water.
Skip the Disposables
The plastic bags, food wrappers, disposable silverware and straws that you throw away often get washed into waterways, and eventually make their way into the ocean. Birds and marine wildlife can mistake these things for food and choke, or they get tangled up. It’s best to bring your own food containers, reusable bags and bottles so nothing gets left behind.
Inflate Your Tires
This isn’t something that most people think about when it comes to saving the ocean, but underinflated tires can increase gasoline consumption. Cutting back on fossil fuel usage can help limit ocean acidification and the effects of global warming.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Reducing your energy consumption can help prevent the surface temperature of the ocean from rising. Turn off lights and unplug devices when when you’re not using them. You can also use a power strip to quickly shut off power to multiple devices. Adjusting the thermostat a few degrees warmer or cooler can also make a big difference in energy consumption. Weatherstripping and proper insulation can also help.
Switch to Non-Toxic Cleaning Products
Many of the toxic household chemicals and cleaners that we use end up in waterways. Whenever possible, choose non-toxic cleaning products or make your own homemade cleaners from vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, Castile soap or Borax. There are also several green cleaning products available on the market, so check the labels carefully before you buy.
Clean up the Beach
If you live near the ocean, spend some time on the beach picking up any trash that you see. Encourage friends or family to come along with you to help, or participate in a local beach cleanup.
Buy Sustainable Seafood
It’s best to limit seafood consumption because overfishing has resulted in dwindling populations of many species. If you must eat seafood, do so responsibly and only purchase sustainable seafood. This method of harvesting helps maintain a healthy ecosystem and protects marine animals from unintended catching. Check labels at the grocery store and search for restaurants that offer sustainable seafood options.
Always Recycle
While it might be tempting to throw everything in the trash, it’s better for the environment to recycle. This can prevent garbage like plastic, glass and metal from ending up in the ocean and harming wildlife.
Join an Organization
There are so many organizations dedicated to saving the oceans, so sign up for one and make your voice heard. Social media is a great platform that allows you to reach out to thousands of people and raise awareness about the health of the world’s oceans.
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