Winter has arrived, but it’s not too late to prepare yourself for the cold weather. There are plenty of things you can do around the home, such as clearing out your closet, weather-proofing your home, filling any draughty gaps, and tidying up the garden. Something else that’s just as important is to take care of your health. Feeling in tip-top condition means you’re ready to take on the worst that winter is going to throw at you. Shorter days and colder weather mean you might struggle to find the motivation. However, the following five winter habits are sure to give you the necessary boost.
1. Balanced Diet
When it’s cold and dark outside, it’s very tempting to fill up on unhealthy comfort food. Resist the temptation and stick with a healthy diet that includes five portions of fruit and veg a day. If you’re craving a sugar hit, then grab a juicy satsuma instead. Milk and dairy products are excellent sources of protein, vitamins A and B12 and calcium. All of which help to keep your immune system in the best condition.
2. Regular Exercise
Cold, depressing weather doesn’t make it easy to get to the gym or head outdoors for exercise, but it is worth the effort. With a regular exercise routine, you’ll be better equipped to fight off all those nasty winter illnesses. Try to include exercise activities into your weekly schedule, planning ahead if necessary so you’re not tempted to give it a miss. You could always work out at home if you really don’t fancy dragging yourself to the gym. Get yourself an exercise video or check out the many exercise routines you can find online.
3. Get Plenty of Sunlight
Shorter days means that many people feel sluggish and tired during the winter months. A lack of sunlight also disturbs our waking and sleep cycles. To overcome this, you should get outdoors as much as possible. Getting up and going to bed at the same time every day should improve the amount of sleep you get. Stress can also make you tired, so it’s important you find ways to de-stress and unwind.
4. Treat Yourself to a Detox
Addictions come in many shapes and forms. Does it feel like you can’t get through the day without your prescribed pain medication, for example? Being addicted to prescription pain medication is just as prevalent as alcohol, heroin, opiate, and valium addiction. Get in touch with Novo Detox, and they’ll be able to work out a program to help you quit for good.
5. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated during the winter is just as important as it is during the summer. Your body loses water through sweating, breathing and urinating. As well as drinking plenty, you can also eat certain foods such as cucumbers, iceberg lettuce, celery, apples, and soup. Humidity levels in your home change when it gets colder, so you need to be prepared for dry skin, itchy eyes, irritated sinuses and throats, and chapped lips. Cold, dry air can also trigger asthma attacks. A humidifier is a good way to put moisture back into the air.
Follow the tips above, and you’ll be well equipped for the winter months and in top form to enjoy spring and summer that are just around the corner.
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