You are already sold on the benefits of programmatic advertising. In fact, you’ve been using this approach for some time. Have you thought about expanding your strategy so you use the same approach to your mobile advertising efforts? Here are some of the reasons why you should include mobile programmatic advertising in your plans for the coming year.
Reaching a Wider Audience
There are still plenty of people who use desktops and laptops. In fact, one of the more prominent customer demographics you target may be among those who still use these devices regularly. What you may not realize is that even as they continue to use their larger devices, those same consumers are relying more on their smart phones to make decisions about purchases.
Along with getting your business and product line in front of your loyal audience in more than one way, mobile advertising allows you to reach out to other consumers. That’s especially true for those who tend to pick up a smartphone every time they want to look something up or search for a good or service. We see this a lot with millennials. Whether you favor static ads that display nicely on a small screen or pop-up ads that appear when those consumers migrate to a specific site, the potential to earn more business is definitely there.
Ads in Apps as Well as On Mobile Sites
You already understand how well the right advertising displayed on the right site makes a difference to your bottom line. Have you thought about another approach to ad display that is available with mobile devices? This approach to programmatic advertising is ads that appear while consumers are using applications.
Consider what happens if a consumer decides to play a game to pass the time. Out comes the smartphone and the user opens the app. Every few rounds, an ad appears. Most are set to continue for at least 20 seconds before the user can close the ad and get back to the game. If you have a compelling video ad, that may be all it takes to trigger interest and lead the user to check out your products.
Monitoring Returns
The process of monitoring hits, click-throughs, and other measurements is just as simple with mobile advertising. With the right partner, you can evaluate the returns gained by appearing on specific mobile websites. If it seems like the returns are not all that great on a given site, it’s easy enough to switch to other sites. In fact, some partners have processes in place that filter out sites where few people are likely to see your ads. That increases the odds of reaching more consumers.
Eliminating Duplicated Efforts
There was a time when business owners created websites for desktops and a second one for mobile devices. These days, most are investing in single sites that display well on any kind of device. You would do well to follow the same strategy with your advertising efforts.
Design your ads so they look great no matter what type of device the end user is employing. That allows you to continue building a presence among all sorts of consumers. You save money by not duplicating the efforts. That allows you to devote more of your advertising dollars to deploying your ads in all the right places.
If you are not sure how to proceed, talk with an expert at a mobile advertising company today. The results of that alliance could mean big profit in the year to come.
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