Are you an ardent believer of the fact that honesty is the best policy? Well, you should be because honesty will save you from a lot of trouble. Your credibility will also not be questionable. There are times when you make mistakes that become a problem later on. Let us explain this by a simple example.
For example, let us assume that you get fake id by topfakeid, but later on you end up into a mess. The reason is now, the authencity of an id can get verified. Yes, people technology has advanced a lot.
Apps have emerged on the forefront that can identify fake ids.
Gadgets and Apps which identify fake ids
Age ID
Intellicheck developed an app that can verify can id. It is known as the Age ID app. What the app does is that it makes use of a tablet or phone camera for scanning the barcode. Well, the barcode exists on the back of the ID.
It takes the app less than 10 seconds to figure out if the id is authentic or not. The app got introduced way back in 2016. What usually happens is real information from barcode gets replicated on the fake id and this need to get checked.
However, the good news is that the app will not let the scammers get away.
There is another app by the name of Scannr. The best thing about this app is that it can scan an ID code without a problem. Plus, this app can log the data of the gender too and this is what makes it special. The good news is that the app tends to work quickly and the results are accurate also.
Another app worth talking about is BlinkID. It makes use of the mobile camera to capture the data that exists on the ID cards. What makes this app stand out is that it offers real-time detection of data.
It captures the data of the front and the back side too. The app compares the data accurately. The best part is that BlinkID is compatible with biometric and verification solutions. As a result, you will not have any regrets at the end of the day.
It is a robust card detector so you will be happy with your choice.
ID Scanner
If you are looking for a smart gadget to identify fake ids, then you will be pleased with ID Scanner. It tends to combine the iPod Touch 6 with special hardware that can read magnetic stripes and barcodes.
The ID scanner has versatile features. It sends an alert if the ID is expired. There are times when the ID is underage. The ID Scanner sends an alert in this situation also. Plus, it can detect fake ids without a problem.
It is viable not to opt for shortcuts in life. The better approach is to go the legit way. If these apps or gadgets detect your fake id, you will end up in an embarrassing situation. Avoid such a situation in the first place.
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