Well, for such globetrotters who are not from the core of middle east, it seems to be somewhat a chaotic and confusing place. But, in reality, the scenario is exactly not the same! Apart from a little bit of political turmoil, religious strife etc. the countries have a mass of warm and welcoming people along with the spectacular tourist attractions and appealing landscapes.
So, if you are a yet another travel enthusiast then make a move soon and book the tickets for the amazing countries of middle-east! You can ever buy such tickets at an affordable rate while grabbing the exciting deals from the websites like Dealslands.
But, while you plan a visit to the middle-east then don’t forget to keep some intricate facts in your mind to keep yourself away from any sort of trouble.
Want to know what are those?
Well, just read ahead!
- Dress conservatively
Yes! You have to leave your micro-minis and sleeveless dresses while you stay in the Middle-East. And, the common European gestures like hugs, slaps on shoulders etc. should be avoided. It’s because the people in those countries believe in somewhat orthodox living. But, the exaggerations like it is dangerous for women to walk down the streets over there without a man beside her is completely absurd.
- Address whom you meet formally
In America, you might pride yourself regarding your easygoing attitude but this doesn’t apply in the Middle-Eastern countries. So, make sure that whenever you are meeting someone then you are not using their first name to call them unless you are explicitly permitted to do so.
- Always say ‘Yes’ to coffee
Well, you might feel that it is a strange custom but you must keep in mind that the people in such countries consider it as a very rude behavior if you deny to take a coffee in any store or market. And, moreover you are out for a vacation!! Then, it is quite obvious that you’ll certainly do some shopping. So, ensure that whenever you are in any store to purchase something and you’ve been offered a cup of coffee then always accept the offer.
- Know what is ‘Baksheesh’
If you have decided to visit middle-east then I am pretty much sure that you’ll hear the word ‘Baksheesh’ more often. Sounds alien? Well, it is nothing but what ‘Tips’ means!! Yes! In such countries, there is a norm of asking tips from people for every small or big service that has been provided!
Of course, you wouldn’t be forced if you will not offer a tip after you have been to any restaurant or hotel. But, it is genuinely expected from you to do so in such countries.
- No alcohol and bacon for some time!
The preparation and consumption of pork are against the Islamic religion! So, if you just can’t think of your lunch or dinner without bacon then you need to adjust with your taste for some time. Also, you’ll not find bottles of beer being sold here and there! So, before you visit middle-east just ensure that you are controlling your desire for consuming alcohol and bacon.
So, I hope that you’re now completely aware of what to do and what not while you visit the middle-eastern countries! Then, what are you waiting for? Just keep these things in your mind and book your tickets now itself.
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