When schools are about to resume classes, the back-to-school buying stress returns. Everything from buying new backpacks to getting fancy lunch boxes can be daunting, not to mention expensive.
That’s why we had an interview with American Hope Resources, a company dedicated to ensuring that its members have access to the country’s best financial aid programs.
This was how it went.
What’s the first thing you should do when you want to do back-to-school shopping?
It is an essential first step to identify what your children genuinely require for the upcoming school year—and what they do not. Work with the teacher or school to compile a list of all the essential and non-essential materials. You can also get a printable school supply checklist online.
From there, decide what you must buy and what you can get later. In addition, you can teach children the importance of money by including them in the budgeting process by having them save up some loonies and toonies in their piggy banks.
What’s the easiest and cheapest way to save money for back-to-school shopping?
Carry out a thorough inventory check. First, you should look around your home to be sure you don’t already have everything you need. Look around your closets, storage bins, art supplies, and even the school bags your children used the previous year to see if there are any unused supplies you still have lying around.
Reusing and recycling what you currently have before purchasing other things is a fantastic idea. With all the treasures you find, you might want to consider using the remaining summer days to work on some do-it-yourself projects with the children. You may also discover that you can easily pick out what is left at the dollar store.
What’s an excellent back-to-school shopping list?
A good back-to-school shopping list should contain clothing that is both comfortable and long-lasting. Your youngster may be obsessed with brand names, but if money is an issue, explain that they can’t have both the name-brand shoes and the less-expensive denim simultaneously.
It’s also essential to ensure your kid has a proper outer jacket for the weather in your area and to label it with their name clearly.
Decide what size and adjustability your child need in a backpack together with your child! An insulated lunch box is a good idea if one is needed. It’s essential if your child brings meat or dairy sandwiches or items to school.
You don’t need a hat, a glove, or a scarf. Instead, look for coats with ample pockets and a high hood. In frigid temperatures, wear several shirts layered on top of one another. The second pair of socks keeps kids warm during recess on frigid days.
What shouldn’t you do when you’re drafting up a back-to-school list?
You shouldn’t wait until the last minute to buy. If possible, you should buy for the next school season during the previous one.
Most stores sell during the school season when there are fewer buyers to get rid of their old stock. You can get a bargain if you buy during this time.
Online or traditional shopping. Which is better?
This depends on what you’re buying and where you’re buying it? Most big convenience stores now have online shopping platforms.
You can opt for delivery if you live far from the closest branch. You also get to save on delivery. However, buying traditionally may be a better option if you live close to Walmart or any other convenience store.
Learn more about saving money on the official American Hope Resources website at AmericanHopeResources.com.
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