While many DIY home projects are easy enough to get done completely on your own, hanging drywall might be something that you’re a little intimidated by. If you don’t get this foundational part of your construction done right, so many other issues can go wrong, both now and later on. So to help ensure that you’re able to get everything done right the first time, here are three things to know before handing your own drywall.
Bring In Some Help
If you’re used to just doing all of your DIY projects by yourself, you might want to break the mold here and begin looking for someone who can lend you a hand with hanging drywall.
Individual pieces of drywall can be very big and very heavy. While you might be able to hold the pieces up by yourself, it’s incredibly challenging to hold a piece of drywall in the right place while also securing it. So if you have anyone that you can ask for help, this is the project to call in that favor for. In fact, if you can get another person or two to help you with this job, you’re going to find things go along a lot easier and get done a lot faster, too.
Get A Few Extras
While no one wants to waste money buying extras of something that they won’t need for their construction or renovation projects, when it comes to drywall, it’s always a good idea to bring in a few extra sheets.
Although drywall is strong, the paper on the surface of it can be very fragile. And if you damage that, you’re not going to be able to have a properly finished wall. Also, if you’re going to be cutting out any holes for light switches, outlets, or anything else, it’s good to have a few extra pieces on standby in case you don’t get the measurements right and need to try again with your cutting.
It’s Going To Take You Some Time
With some home renovation projects, the process tends to get faster and faster the more that you do it. But with hanging drywall, the more time you spend doing the task, the slower you might find yourself working simply because your body starts to get tired quickly from working so hard. So in addition to the learning curve, you should expect the process of hanging drywall to take you quite a bit of time due to how physically demanding and detail oriented it will be.
If you’re determined to hang your own drywall for a home renovation project you’re working on, consider using the tips mentioned above to make sure you’re prepared for all that this task may entail.
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