If you’re inspired to give your garden a little makeover and are on the hunt for creative ideas, simply continue reading to discover a few innovative tips, which you may find inspiring!
Gardening and landscaping ideas for your backyard:
1. Crate based vegetable garden
Did you know that you can use unwanted crates to create a fuss-free vegetable garden? To keep your vegetable garden organized you’ll be able to plant a different type of vegetable in each crate. As an example, you may want to grow lettuce in one crate and spinach in another crate, in your garden. Crate based vegetable gardens are a great alternative to planter box style vegetable gardens.
2. Removal or addition of trees
Sometimes there may be too many trees on your property and the removal of a few trees can make your backyard look way bigger with an open space. If you also have any damaged trees or trees you are unsure the health of an arboricultural consultant can help.
2. Raised flower beds
If the soil in your garden contains too much clay and is too hard to easily plant flowers in, you may want to opt to build raised flower beds, which you’ll then be able to fill with your choice of store brought soil.
3. Use window boxes as mini makeshift glass houses
One way to protect your seedlings is to use repurposed makeshift window boxes to protect your seedlings from the elements and from would be predators such as insects.
4. Use epsom salt to boost your crops yield
Contrary to popular belief you don’t have to spend a small fortune on expensive fertilisers, in order to boost your garden’s yield. Simply spray epsom salt onto your crop, every 10 days in order to naturally increase your yield. Some examples of plants that respond well to epsom salt include roses, tomatoes and peppers.
To creative an effective spray for your plants, simply mix 1 tablespoon of epsom salt, to 4 laters of water. Why is epsom salt so effective, when it comes to crop yield? Epsom salt contains a high level of magnesium, which will encourage your plants to grow bigger, healthier yields.
5. Create a hanging strawberry garden
If you love eating freshly picked strawberries in summer, it’s a great idea to create a hanging strawberry garden, which will also be an attractive, decorative feature in your backyard. You may want to consider building a trellis to grow strawberries from or to grow your strawberries in hanging pots, which you can suspend from any exterior framework, which your home or deck may feature.
6. Create a tiled courtyard to place your garden furniture on
If you don’t want to have to maintain a large patch of grass, it’s well worth installing a tiled area, which you can place your garden furniture on and socialize on. If you’re creatively inclined you may also want to install a colorful mosaic as part of your new courtyard.
7. Consider growing vegetables in pots
Did you know that you can successfully grow some types of vegetables, such as potatoes, spinach and beetroot in large terracotta pots? This is a particularly great idea if your outdoor space is limited and you’re looking to make the best possible use of your backyard.
So if you’re looking to give your garden a makeover, it’s well worth getting started by choosing one of the creative ideas listed above.
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