As we reach ever deeper into the second decade of the 21st century it is becoming more and more apparent that companies that embrace technology will be at a significant competitive advantage over those who remain mired in business practices of the late 20th century. This applies across all business sectors. The advantages in client relations and efficiency are simply too important and represent too much of strategic necessity to ignore. These advantages extent to the practices of healthcare professionals as well.
So, if we take a closer look, what are four innovations that will be taking healthcare forward into a bright new future of improving the lives of patients – positioning the medical practice as competitive.
1. Referral Analysis
If there is one aspect that will provide a practice with a competitive advantage it is data mining of referral behavior. using specialized software the practice can drill down into a variety of criteria that affect referrals. Information such as which specialist competitors are receiving the most referrals based on procedures another information. This allows liaison personnel to identify which organizations would make the best partners. It will also allow the practice to identify those physicians who are trusted sources of advice within a specific community. This has important implications for the liaison function and has a quantifiable impact on both marketing and on the bottom line of the practice.
2. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence
Although artificial intelligence has yet to reach its full potential it is readily apparent that algorithms and analytics that act independently will streamline operations in the future. By interrogating patient symptoms, automated scheduling and identification of appropriate human resources and practice areas in order to better serve the patient, the efficiency of the practice is greatly improved. The savings in time – and in staffing costs offer incredible benefits to the practice.
3. The Internet of Things
The connectedness of devices allows for exchange of information between systems that greatly improve the depth of knowledge of the physician – and improve the appropriateness of the service offering. A simple example is smart devices that measure criteria such as heart rate, exercise patterns to ensure that the medical practitioner can optimize their service offering. The technology exists – but there are regulatory hurdles such as privacy issues and data security that need urgent attention. However, the availability of objective information and integration of data are becoming more and more important.
4. Labiaplasty
Finally, no discussion of innovation in the medical world would be complete – without considering the rising popularity of labiaplasty. It is clear that there has been a steady increase in the popularity of this procedure – and with good reason. The technology and the expertise can offer tremendous benefits for women who are experiencing challenges such as pain, discomfort, and challenges with clothing. The combination of non-surgical and surgical solutions creates a winning formula for a variety of women. Obviously, it is a procedure that will continue to grow in popularity. Inquire about labiaplasty with your cosmetic surgeon to explore all your options and understand how it can transform your life.
Of course, the healthcare world is a dynamic one and many advances are not discussed – however these are four that will have a long-lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of both patients and health care professionals.
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