Cancer causes millions of deaths every year. It is a disease that has no age limit. It happens in children as well as adults. There are numerous cancers that can affect the body, and each one may have different symptoms which may not appear in the early stage. It is important to know and remember, the warning signs of cancer that will be noticed before any symptoms of the disease are present. There are seven warning sins that could help detect cancer in the early stage and identify it more promptly.
Two warning signs involve a time frame
The time frame is non-specific, but having a nagging cough for a while that will not go away may be an indication that something is wrong especially if blood is coughed up in the sputum. If this happens and it is not a cold or flu, the doctor should be consulted. Another time frame warning sign is a sore in the mouth or throat that takes too long to heal. It may even enlarge and get more painful. See a doctor at once.
Identification of bowel changes
If you are having bowel movements more or less than usual, notice blood in the stool or urine, are constipated more than normal, or have frequent diarrhea, these are causes for medical attention. Being able to identify what is going on with the bowels is a key to early detection for bowel cancer, also called colon cancer. These changes can also be caused by bladder or kidney cancer. Changes in the gastrointestinal system could also mean pancreatic cancer.
Features are one of the seven warning signs
Considerations to remember
Many people take heed to these warning signs, and many have been able to early detection that helped save their lives. They are now cancer survivors. Many cancer patients opt to have private cancer treatments at one of the many cancer treatment centers.
There is a word trick to help you remember these seven warning signs. They are put in an order where the first word in each warning spells the word caution. The signs are:
Change in bowel or bladder habits
A sore that does not heal quickly
Unusual discharge or bleeding from the body
Thickening or lump in the breast or other parts of the body
Indigestion or hard time swallowing
Obvious changes in warts or moulds
Nagging cough
If you notice a lump or thickening in the breast or any other place in the body, it is a classic warning sign of breast cancer. If you have constant indigestion or hard time swallowing, feel full after eating a little bit of food, have pressure in the chest or throat when swallowing, these are signs of lymphoma.
Size is a warning sign
Noticing that mould or wart is changing in size could indicate that it needs to be removed. If the edges are very well defined, it could be cancer. Keep an eye on any enlargement, if there is a colour change, seek medical attention.
Knowing these seven warning signs of cancer will greatly help to educate people of all ages in the things that they should be attentive to in order to stay healthy. If any of these warning signs should happen to you or someone that you love, just know that they are a preamble. They give you time to see your doctor, get diagnosed, and implement a treatment plan before cancer gets to the second stage. Many cancers are treatable, and people have been long term survivors who lived to help inform others.
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