We all face dark times in our lives, perhaps through the loss of a loved one, the injustice of life or perhaps as a result of health issues affecting you or your loved ones. During this time it can be easy to question one’s faith, to ask God why and to feel slightly cheated by the God that you have worshipped for such a long time. I was speaking to Ron Hindt about this recently, who was very keen to spread the word that it is in fact during these dark times, that we need God the most, and we should look to him to lead us out of the darkness, and into the light again. If you are struggling with an issue that has left you questioning your faith, here is exactly why you must trust in the Lord our God.
God Listens
Many of us struggle to seek help during dark times and as much as we may need to talk and discuss what is going on, it isn’t always so easy to do. God however, is always listening and through prayer and worship, you can speak with God, ask for help, tell him your thoughts, your fears and your hopes. Just telling these things to someone can be a great load off your mind, and God is the best person to speak to.
Renewed Faith
The darkness, no matter how severe, will eventually subside, and through God’s help, you will be able to see the light again. God inspires us in just about all places, in the smile of a child, the splendour of nature, the singing birds and the helping hand of a friend. Through this inspiration from God, we can renew our faith, and understand more clearly what our path truly is.
Learning From The Bible
We are very fortunate in the Christina faith that we have the Bible to use as our guide book to manage life. The Bible is not full of stories and parables that focus on sunshine and rainbows, indeed much of the literature that you will find in the Bible talks about overcoming adversity, and how we can best manage those dark times. Through the studying of your Bible, you will find many stories that resonate with where you are right now, and offer inspiration to manage your way through the darkness.
Reminder of Power
Just or unjust, it is the dark moments in life that serve as a reminder of God’s mighty power. Many will ask why during the darkness, wondering why God would afflict us with such negativity and hardship, but it is within this that God teaches us about his power, his reasoning, and how we can be better people in the future. Overcoming great sadness and setbacks make us more rounded people, and we can then use our experiences to help those who are going through a similar situation in the future.
If you are living in darkness, just look to God for the light.
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