Talk about hormones and most people assume that you’re referring to the primary reproductive hormones that bring about changes in your body all through puberty and later in life, around menopause.
You couldn’t be more wrong!
Hormones are a range of chemical messengers produced in various organs of your body. They are responsible for the smooth functioning of your physical systems. As long as they are produced and released in optimum levels, you’ll feel healthy and strong. But, any kind of hormone imbalances can set off a chain of ill-health that includes bodily and mental symptoms. Like this article in the PBS magazine explains, these chemicals send impulses to each other and the cells of the body managing an interlinked system of processes.
In addition to the reproductive systems, hormones govern your weight, digestion, body temperature, and moods. Most importantly, these chemicals are responsible for the energy levels in your body and how food metabolizes into glucose for burning. In case you’ve been sensing chronic fatigue, one of the first steps your medical practitioner may take is to run a series of blood tests to identify the exact hormone imbalances.
Here’s a quick overview of the key hormones that influence your stamina levels.
1. Hormones Produced in the Reproductive Organs
Both men and women need the proper levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in their bodies to remain energetic and healthy. Inadequate levels of estrogen can lead to fatigue, depression, lack of focus, and various other symptoms in women. In case you aren’t producing adequate progesterone to balance the estrogen, you could have a condition called estrogen-dominance that brings with it a host of other health issues. Interestingly, women also need testosterone to maintain stamina. While men may not directly produce estrogen and progesterone, their bodies process these hormones from the testosterone and are needed to keep them healthy.
If your fatigue is a result of these hormone imbalances, you can correct the problem by opting for effective treatment at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center. Here, you’ll receive a carefully balanced program that includes taking plant-based supplements designed to correct the skewed hormone levels. Since these medications are derived from plants, you won’t need to worry about any potential side effects.
2. Hormone Produced by the Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands are pyramid-shaped organs sitting on the top of your kidneys. When you’re undergoing extreme stress, the adrenal glands release a hormone called cortisol thanks to the signals they receive from the brain. This condition is called adrenal fatigue and is characterized by excessive or inadequate cortisol. In addition to chronic fatigue, you may experience symptoms like weight gain, moodiness, insomnia, and a craving for sweet and savory foods.
Check out this feature on WebMD that explains how a simple solution is to ease the chronic stress you’re going through. Recognize the triggers that cause you to feel anxious and stressed, and take steps to reverse the problem. Adopt techniques like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, and even, aromatherapy. The key is to find the stress-busting strategy that matches the key causes of your anxiety. Like, for instance, you may find that it helps to talk to a couples’ counselor to sort marital issues. Even as you lower the anxiety, you’ll sense the hormone imbalances getting repaired and energy levels returning.
3. Hormone Produced by the Fat Cells
Fat cells are always considered the bad guys in your body. They create unsightly bulges and cellulite and cling on stubbornly no matter how hard you control your diet and exercise. But, the fact is that the fat cells are an essential part of your endocrine system and are needed for a while range of functions including producing the hormone leptin. This chemical signals to your brain that the fat stores need to be used up to produce energy.
When the hypothalamus in the brain stops receiving signals from the leptin, the body goes into starvation mode and starts to store up the fat instead of burning it for energy. As a result, the hormone imbalances start to make you feel tired all the time. You gain weight and create a vicious cycle of stress, fatigue, and more accumulated pounds.
To break this cycle, make changes in your regular diet to include more fermented foods and probiotics that restore the leptin signals. Studies conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information show that eating the right kind of foods lowers inflammation levels in the digestive tract so you can absorb nutrients more efficiently. Removing toxins from your body helps your liver function more efficiently. All of these measures can help lower leptin resistance so feel healthy and energetic like before.
4. Hormones Produced by the Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ that sits in the neck around the windpipe. When this gland does not produce enough hormones, your body develops a condition called hypothyrodism. This form of hormone imbalances can result in low energy levels and make you feel fatigued all the time. That’s because you need the hormone to maintain metabolism levels. Side by side, you’ll develop various other symptoms such as depression, heavy menstruation, memory loss, and dry, rough skin and hair among others.
Typically, a simple blood test can detect the exact imbalances, and with the correct medication, you should be able to improve your stamina levels.
5. Hormone Produced by the Pancreas
A deficiency of the insulin hormone produced by the pancreas is possibly the most well-known of all hormone imbalances. Inadequate levels of insulin lead to the condition called Type 2 diabetes. Typically, the condition develops because of a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, and faulty dietary habits. Since you need insulin to convert glucose into energy, low levels of the hormone can lead to fatigue and lack of stamina as explained by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
The easiest way to manage the condition is to exercise regularly and eat a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. If needed, your medical practitioner might recommend that you start medication or injections to improve insulin levels and restore your body’s functions.
So, the next time you feel chronically fatigued, know that hormone imbalances may be the cause. Identify the specific hormone that is askew and correct the imbalance to restore energy and stamina levels.
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