You might already know about CBD oil by now because it is becoming increasingly popular. If you are yet to try it, the only information you might know is that it is a marijuana-based product. CBD stands for cannabidiol, and it is gaining attention these days because many people find its use effective. Before you start using the product, you need to clarify some of the misconceptions and the truths behind them.
CBD is for recreational use
You might think that CBD is unsafe and addictive because it comes from marijuana. The truth is that it is only one of the many contents extracted from a marijuana plant. THC is the part that contains psychoactive and addictive properties. Since the extraction process separates THC from CBD, you don’t need to worry about getting addicted when using CBD.
CBD is a bad extract
Again, it is THC that contains addictive properties, and CBD only has good stuff. The reason why you might get confused is that people who are against legalising medical marijuana keep confusing these two compounds to convince people that medical marijuana is harmful. CBD does not make you high, and anyone using it does not pose a grave threat to the society.
CBD will only work with THC
Although some people believe that these two are more effective when used together, it is possible to get relief even when you buy CBD oil only. You don’t need to buy a product containing THC when you don’t think it is necessary. Besides, your goal is medical relief and not to get high.
CBD oil is illegal
In the UK, CBD oil used for medical purposes is legal. You don’t need to fear buying this product, even online. You don’t also need to look for a black market where you can buy this product. The government also allows the use of CBD mixed with THC for medicinal purposes, provided that the THC content does not go beyond 0.2%.
The psychoactive property is a reason not to use CBD oil
Yes, CBD is still a marijuana-based product and might somehow possess psychoactive properties. However, it does not give you a reason to stop using it. The psychoactive property does not turn you into a drug addict overnight. It might give you a sense of calmness and euphoria as a side effect, but it won’t adversely affect how you make decisions. You won’t even feel the impact anymore after a few hours, but you will experience relief from pain and other problems.
Now that you understand the truth behind the use of CBD, you need to be open about the idea of using CBD oil. You can speak with your physician if you are unsure if it will work for you. Some people can attest that it has helped them feel relief from their suffering. You can try it and see where it goes. Besides, if you have already tried different pills to treat your medical condition and nothing happened, it won’t hurt to try CBD once.
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