To discover how technology such as artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the healthcare industry, simply continue reading!
How artificial intelligence can provide better healthcare:
1. More patients will be able to be screened per day
In most countries around the world there is a shortage of doctors, which means that individuals sometimes have to wait several days in order to get an appointment with a general practitioner. Worse, individuals who need to see a medical specialist such as a chiropractor, often have to wait several weeks to be seen by a specialist.
However, in the future, artificial intelligence systems will be able to screen individuals before they see a human healthcare practitioner. Which means that only individuals who seriously need to see a medical practitioner will be transferred on to see a medical specialist while most individuals will be diagnosed by an artificial intelligence based system.
As an example, individuals who are screened by an artificial intelligence system and who are diagnosed as having the common flu may be automatically prescribed antibiotics. The dosage of which will be determined by each individual’s stats such as their weight, age and past medical history.
2. Individuals may be able to be assessed from the comfort of their own home
In the future it’s likely that individuals will be able to be assessed from illnesses using artificial intelligence in their own homes. Which will ensure that individual’s illnesses and diseases will be picked up far quicker than they currently are, as in a large portion of individuals don’t see a doctor on a regular basis.
Even today, individuals are able to book video appointments with their doctors, from the comfort of their own homes.
3. Robots will be able to perform complicated surgeries
There are already robots which doctors can control in order to perform delicate surgeries, where precision is key. In the future more complicated surgeries will be performed by robots who will have a far steadier hand, than human surgeons.
Better yet, robot surgeons won’t get tired or fatigued or make a human error as real life surgeons often do. Which should mean that the rate of successful surgeries internationally will increase substantially.
4. AI programs will be able to accurately monitor the health of patients who are recovering from surgery
In the future individuals who recuperate from operations, will be monitored by AI based programs and technology which will be able to immediately alert a nurse or doctor if there are serious changes in an individual’s vital signs. Which is great as most wards around the world are understaffed by nurses.
5. AI robots will be used in rest homes world wide
It’s also highly likely that AI robots will be used to take care of residents in rest homes in the coming decades. Which is important as the population of individuals over 65 worldwide is increasing and there aren’t enough nurses to give each individual the level of care and attention which they deserve.
As AI technology is already changing the face of the health care sector, expect to see AI totally change the healthcare industry for the better within the next decade.
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